• Active Adults 55+
• Men and Women
• Both Married and Single
What We’re About
• Making Connections
• Having Fun
• Doing Good Things
Encore! was born as a new ministry at St. Hubert in the fall of 2015. Its goal is to provide experiences for people 55 and over to come together to form a sense of community and connection within the parish. It is open to all, with the hope that it will be a gateway to meeting new people, having fun, and giving back to the community.
In an effort to accommodate both working and retired individuals, we try to vary times of activities—daytime, evening, weekend—so that all may participate at one time or another.
Activities are sometimes purely social, while others lead us beyond the confines of our group to be involved in a service project together that would benefit the parish or a worthy cause in the surrounding community. No matter what the event, you can be assured that a warm welcome is extended to all, and good spirits and laughter are a part of every event!
News of upcoming Encore! events for seniors will be announced via the St. Hubert weekend bulletin, parish website, Mass announcements and by email list notifications.
We are always in search of new adventures! So please, let us know if you have an idea for something to consider for future gatherings.
Want to Know More?
If you would like to know more information on this ministry, please complete the form below or contact the Ministry Coordinator at ministryinfo@sainthubert.org.